2 Second Click Test – Easy CPS Test
分数浏览您的限制以估算您在“每 2 秒点击次数”游戏中可以获得的点击次数。让我们在这里练习,将您的点击能力提升到下一阶段。我们赞同 CPS 测试将逐步影响真实的游戏,如 Minecraft 或 Craftsman。
享受点击速度测试,向您的朋友展示您的点击速度或 CPS 标准。毫无疑问,点击游戏或测试将帮助您管理注意力。此外,该测试吸引了其他消费者参与游戏并给他们一个公开的挑战。通过克服您的 CPS 测试分数,让您的对手打破您的记录。这里有更多的游戏挑战给你。
The world’s highest record reported yet is 32 clicks per 2 seconds. If you take out the CPS, it is 16 Clicks Per Second. So, move ahead and try to beat the world record and challenge your friends to beat your record in Click Per 2 Seconds.
Clicking is the best way to earn some gaming skills that help you to improve your in-game ability, like shooting or dropping. Later you can use that skill in the games to achieve some goals that you strive for. With time and practice, you set better and more achievable goals for yourself.
与其后悔我必须设定一个比这个更好的目标,你会成为一个更好的点击者。然后尝试在点击中达到最高排名并提高您的 CPS 测试分数。
如果您从跟踪自己开始 5秒测试 并尝试尽可能多地点击。在那之后,你应该尝试打破你之前的分数。在达到极限之前,您可以尽可能多地重复此过程。
Here are several ways to participate in the Click Per 2 Seconds game. Use the Clicking trick if you desire to beat the top score on the player’s list. In contrast, go for it if you feel like throwing a challenge at your mates. However, you can beat yourself by chasing the score you have made as a record for others.