Kohi 点击测试 |简易 CPS 测试
Start clicking in the click-allocated area at the possible clicking speed for 10 seconds. And record your Click per Second with this Kohi Click Test.
分数The old Minecraft gaming server Kohi is popular for its various factional modes. The Kohi Click Test is the primary practice of the speed-clicking game that help user to play the real game with distinction. However, the gamer dominates the Minecraft opponents in the games. We recommend improving the skill with balanced practice in the Kohi CPS Test (Click Per Second Test). Remember, overdoing clicks may cause strain in your muscles. So, balance the approach and win the real game.
在线 Kohi 点击测试
That clicking test is unique in design for gamers who love to play Minecraft for Minecraft CPS. The gamer experiences it when they want to speed up the clicking test with ping and lag. One more reason that makes it famous among users is the PVP mode in the game. So, the gamer can fight back against the opponent and beat them with a high score.
首先,进行这个测试是为了提升 Kohi Clicking 的技能。这种快速点击技能有助于游戏玩家协助游戏。提前,游戏是有益的;因此强烈建议利用并击败你的敌人。在这里,我们提到了一些与您的情况非常相似的情况。
值得注意的是,点击领域的游戏实践提高了真实游戏中的点击速度。它在 PVP模式 whenever you decide to play the game. However, it takes extra time and enables you to hit hard your opponent more often. Globally you can hit the struggle to set Kohi Click Test World Record.
The next thing the Kohi Clicking trick enables is running the UHC 模式 Minecraft 中的(超硬核模式)。在这些模式中,街区和建筑物会产生积极影响。同时快速的点击让建筑快速对抗对手。但是,您可以建造一堵墙来抵御对手的箭。此后,用户可以追踪并将对手困在那些墙内。
按照 Kohi 技巧,玩家可以比以前更快地建造 Minecraft 桥梁。但是,玩家可以使用该技巧通过 Kohi Click 技术重新创建或翻新游戏中的桥梁。例如,StanMPL、Breezily、God 和 Bleeple 桥。
In Minecraft, the Kohi Click Game assists in various modes like sky wars rushing into the other’s space or moving to occupy the middle chest. Hereafter, the player uses the Kohi Clicking trick in the hunger games to create a bridge by tapping vagariously. Moreover, it comes in handy in bed wars to promptly get to the other team’s bed.

Kohi Click 游戏的排名
用户获得的另一件事是在 Minecraft 中因出色的点击技能而获得的排名。这样的排名对比赛没有好处,只会激励他们与对手奋力拼搏。并以更好的排名赢得比赛。假设用户对游戏感到无聊。它限制了用户的兴趣并保持了乐趣。
当您在点击游戏中达到蜗牛等级时,您将在独家的 Kohi Click 游戏中获得令人满意的位置。
当然,当玩家获得 Rabbit Rank 头衔时,请考虑在 Kohi Clicking 游戏中技能水平为专业的职业玩家。
你对 Minecraft 充满热情吗?
If you wish to be a master in the game, Online Kohi Click Test favors the gamer to improve the skill. So, get the trainer! And practice playing against the gamers. As much as you play, you get better at the game!
The Online Kohi Click Test is the perfect game if you are a Minecraft lover. In the gaming process, you will learn to be a polished player. Here we bond the game within the limits of time. Through this, it became more interesting to play with new challenges.
简单易玩,没有特殊要求,如这款游戏中的复杂软件和花哨的应用程序。点击和点击是点击区域的一切。此后, Badlion 点击, 蝴蝶点击, 拖动点击, 和 抖动点击 根据情况的需要,技巧是有用的。
之后,您将看到一条弹出消息,显示您的排名随着时间的上升。此外,它还显示了 CPS 以及点击次数和时间。提前,您可以在社交媒体上与朋友分享结果。像 Twitter、Facebook 和 WhatsApp。
在最快的点击范围内,用户每秒可以点击 20 到 25 次。在 Kohi Click Test 中,这是游戏玩家的高分。
在解锁版本中,黑客和作弊是不可访问的。它专为初学者在各种模式的 Minecraft 游戏中进行培训和练习而设计。此外,游戏玩家可以检查浏览器的技术,以高分欺骗朋友。
Kohi Click Test World Record 是游戏玩家基于性能的结果日志。记录 CPS 有点争议,因为黑客滥用第三方。但最高记录以 13.9 CPS 收盘。