About Us
Easy CPS Test is an online tool that assists you with testing and improves your mouse clicking abilities in the various time frames.
You can utilize our Easy CPS Test to discover how slow or fast you click your mouse and compare them with the results. On our site, we have different time frames for Click Test, that you can pick according to your preference.
We continuously work on giving the best to the gamers who go to our site to practice their clicking and eventually increase their clicking speed.
There are numerous sites online that give a similar game however have an exceptionally dull UI/UX. Accordingly, to offer full to the click speed game, we came up with a new and modern look that makes the user experience significantly additionally engaging.
Hope you have a good playing the game. Remain tuned, as we have a lot more varieties of the game in the pipeline.
If you are having any issues with the content of the website, Feel free to contact us.