100 Second Click Test – Easy CPS Test

You can test your clicking chops against the gaming world in a short time with this hundred seconds click challenge.







What is a 100 Seconds Click Test?

In this test, we check how many times someone clicks on the mouse in just 100 seconds of the time-limited frame. Click test 100 seconds is a mode of CPS that you can use to improve the click speed test. This CPS model is longer than the others.

However, there is no break in between; you need to make the maximum possible clicks to compete with other players. Likewise, this timeframe of 100 seconds can tell you about your average clicking speed.

Besides that, you can choose the click test for 1 second for a short time frame. In addition to this, the speed and score counting method of CPS will remain the same whether you choose the 1-second mode or 100 seconds click test.


It is 8.2 clicks per second. In short  820 clicks in 100 seconds.

How to Get Higher Scores on the 100 Seconds Click Test?

You can increase the clicking speed by playing games that include Fortnite, PUBG, etc. A gaming mouse will also help you to make more clicks.

The player has to do the maximum practice to make more clicks in the given time frame. For instance, the CPS player can choose one style of clicking for the first 10 seconds and continue for the rest of the time. Surely, this trick will help the players to make more clicks in less time, and it will not hurt the fingers.